Toraigh go Brách!

Toraigh go Brách!

Is cúis bróin gur éirigh le polasaí éagórach an rialtais i leith Oileán Thoraí scoilt a chruthú i bpobal an oileáin. Ba cheart go n-éistfí le  muintir Thoraí ón chéad lá ariamh ach ina áit sin shocraigh an rialtas conradh seirbhíse farantóireachta gan dul i gcomhairle le pobal Thoraí.

Tá Misneach ag tabhairt tacaíochta do phobal Thoraí san fheachtas ar son seirbhís cheart farantóireachta don phobal le tamall anois agus leanfaidh muid dó sin fhad is a bhíonn muintir Thoraí féin i mbun feachtasaíochta.

Dúirt urlabhraí de chuid Misneach, Seanán Mac Aoidh:

‘Tuigtear dúinn go bhfuil teach faighte ar thír mór ag teaghlach amháin ar an oileán agus go bhfuil teaghlaigh eile ag brath an t-oileán a fhágáil de dhíobháil bád fóirsteanach a bheith ar fáil ón Domhnach bheag seo. Tá daonra an oileáin íseal mar atá agus tá contúirt mhór ann i gcónaí go ndéanfar dochar tromchúiseach do phobal Thoraí mar phobal.

D’éirigh le polasaithe stáit mórchuid na n-oileán Gaeltachta eile a bhánú. Caithfear todhchaí phobal Thoraí a chinntiú. Tá Toraigh ar cheantar Gaeltachta chomh láidir agus atá le fáil in Éirinn. Seasann Misneach le gach duine i dToraigh agus éilíonn muid bád farantóireachta atá ag fóirstean do chuid riachtanas phobal an oileáin.’

Lean Mac Aoidh ar aghaidh:

‘Ar ndóigh, caithfear amharc ar chás Thoraí i gcomhthéacs an leatroma i gcoitinne atá an stát ag déanamh ar an Ghaeltacht. Tá an t-ionsaí fíochmhar seo ar bun fhad is atá an stát ag cur d’fhiachadh ar phobail na Gaeltachta pleananna teanga a scríobh chun todhchaí na teanga a chinntiú. Mar bharr ar dhonas na heaspa maoinithe do na pleananna sin, léiríonn cur chuige an stáit i leith bhád Thoraí an fíordhearcadh atá acu ar thodhchaí pobal Gaeltachta.’

Chríochaigh Mac Aoidh:

‘Ní féidir seo a leigheas ach le gluaiseacht Gael atá aontaithe agus tiománta le todhchaí níos fearr a bhaint amach. Muna dtarlaíonn sin leanfar leis na hionsuithe, na ciorruithe agus le scoilteadh agus scrios ár bpobal.’


The fact that unjust government policy has managed to foster a split on Tory Island is cause for great sadness. The wishes of the people of Tory should have been listened to from the beginning, instead of having a contract for a ferry service foisted on them without prior consultation.

Misneach have been supporting the Tory community in their campaign for an appropriate ferry service for a number of months now, and while the Tory islanders continue campaigning for that service we will continue to offer our support.

Misneach spokesperson, Seanán Mac Aoidh, said:

‘We understand that already at least one family have left the island and moved to a house on the mainland and that others are planning on following suit due to the lack of an appropriate ferry service from this Sunday onwards. Morale on the island is at a low ebb as a result of this situation and there is a real danger that irreparable damage will be inflicted on the fabric of the Tory community as a result of these government decisions.

Government policy in the past succeeded in depopulating most of the Gaeltacht island communities. We must ensure the survival of the Tory community. Tory island is as strong a Gaeltacht as will be found anywhere in Ireland. Misneach stand with everyone in Tory and we demand an appropriate ferry service which meets the needs of the island community.’

Mac Aoidh continued:

‘Of course, we must look at the case of Tory in the wider context of state oppression directed towards Gaeltacht communities. This brutal assault coincides with the demand by the state that Gaeltacht communities write their own language plans to ensure the language’s future. To add insult to injury when it comes to this lack of funding for future planning, the way in which the state has dealt with the Tory ferry has revealed their true attitude to the language.’

Mac Aoidh concluded:

‘This can only be resolved with an Irish language movement which is united and determined on achieving a better future. If this is not brought about without delay, the attacks, cuts, splits and devastation of our communities will continue.’




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